Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
                    Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by the Registrant    ( )

Filed by a Party other than the Registrant    (X)

Check the appropriate box:

( )   Preliminary Proxy Statement
( )   Definitive Proxy Statement
(X)   Definitive Additional Materials
( )   Soliciting Material Pursuant to (S)240.14a-11(c) or (S)240.14a-12

                   Santa Fe Pacific Corporation    
        Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter

                   Union Pacific Corporation   
        (Names of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

( )   $125 per Exchange Act Rules 0-11(c)(1)(ii), 14a-6(i)(1), or

( )   $500 per each party to the controversy pursuant to Exchange
      Act Rule 14a-6(i)(3).
( )   Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-
      6(i)(4) and 0-11.
(X)   Check box if any party of the fee is offset as provided by
      Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for
      which the offsetting fee was paid previously.  Identify the
      previous filing by registration statement number, or the
      Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

      (1)  Amount Previously Paid:  $125 on October 13, 1994
      (2)  Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.: Schedule 14A
      (3)  Filing Party: Same as above
      (4)  Date Filed: October 13, 1994

       A Message to Santa Fe Pacific Shareholders from Union Pacific

                      IT'S A QUESTION OF CREDIBILITY -

                             MORE STRAIGHT TALK

                               ABOUT THE ICC

     Santa Fe's board of directors has refused to talk to Union
     Pacific about our proposal to negotiate a merger.  Under our
     proposal, you would receive a substantial premium to the
     consideration offered in the Burlington Northern merger based on
     current market prices.

     Their excuse?  They claim that our proposal would not be approved
     by the Interstate Commerce Commission, but assert that the merger
     they negotiated with Burlington Northern is "likely" to be


     SANTA FE SAYS:  The Union Pacific proposal is a PARALLEL merger;
     Burlington Northern/Santa Fe is end-to-end.


     The Burlington Northern             So BOTH mergers would have
     proposed merger:  3,000 miles       significant parallel
     of parallel lines, out of           elements, and both would
     31,000 total miles.  Burlington     have significant end-to-end
     Northern and Santa Fe are           elements.
     parallel between all
     combinations of Denver,             But we believe Union
     Chicago, Kansas City,               Pacific's proposal would
     Dallas/Fort Worth, Houston and      yield MORE new end-to-end
     Galveston.                          single-line service for
                                         shippers in high-volume
     The Union Pacific proposal:         freight corridors,
     4,200 parallel miles, out of        SUBSTANTIAL improvements to
     26,000 total miles.                 rail service, and
                                         SIGNIFICANT increases in


     SANTA FE SAYS:  The ICC is
     skeptical about parallel

     The ICC has approved TEN            Northern, HE HAD LENGTHY
     railroad mergers with               TALKS ABOUT MERGING SANTA FE
     significant parallel aspects        WITH SOUTHERN PACIFIC - a
     since 1970.                         merger that would have been
                                         MUCH MORE PARALLEL than a
     And Santa Fe's Chairman,            combination of Union Pacific
     President and CEO, Mr. Robert       and Santa Fe.
     D. Krebs, has disclosed that
     before or signing his deal with

     SANTA FE SAYS:  The ICC has declined to impose conditions in
     order to cure anti-competitive aspects of mergers.

     The ICC did just that in Union      access to another railroad
     Pacific's mergers with Missouri     at every point that would go
     Pacific and Western Pacific,        from two serving railroads
     and with the Missouri-Kansas-       to one.  Burlington Northern
     Texas.                              and Santa Fe have made no
                                         such commitment, although
     Union Pacific will accept           they have many such points.
     appropriate conditions to
     address legitimate competitive
     concerns. For example, we will
     SANTA FE SAYS:  Union Pacific's panel of five experts*, who
     reported that a Union Pacific/Santa FE merger would have good
     prospects of ICC approval, where "hand-picked."

     Union Pacific consulted five        was the coordinating counsel
     prominent, INDEPENDENT experts.     for the railroads that
     They were asked for their           opposed that merger.
     MIGHT BE.  These were the only      Santa Fe has cited only two
     experts Union Pacific asked to      experts.  One, Barry Harris,
     serve on the panel, and they        has repeatedly expressed
     were paid only for their time.      anti-merger views that the
     None has ever represented Union     ICC has rejected.  For
     Pacific (except for one expert      example, he testified, for
     who has provided limited            the Teamsters and the
     consulting).                        Regular Common Carrier
                                         Conference, that a Norfolk
     These experts are not               Southern/North American Van
     supporters of all railroad          Lines merger was anti-
     mergers.  Former ICC                competitive.  The ICC found
     Commissioner Malcolm Sterrett       otherwise.
     voted AGAINST the Santa
     Fe/Southern Pacific merger, and
     Robert N. Kharasch

     excuse JUST ISN'T CREDIBLE.

        Protect your interests. Vote AGAINST the Burlington Northern

             Sign, date, and return the GOLD proxy card today.

     [logo]                    UNION PACIFIC

     November 7, 1994

     If you need assistance or information please call our solicitor: 
     Morrow & Co., Inc. at  (800) 662-5200.

     Union Pacific's proposal is subject to termination of the
     Burlington Northern/Santa Fe merger agreement in accordance with
     its terms, a due diligence review, negotiation of a mutually
     satisfactory merger agreement with Santa Fe, approval of the
     Interstate Commerce Commerce Commission and approval of our
     respective Board of Directors and stockholders.  The Burlington
     Northern/Santa Fe merger agreement is subject to approval of the
     Interstate Commerce Commission and the respective stockholders of
     Burlington Northern and Santa Fe.  Because of fluctuations in the
     market value of Union Pacific common stock and Burlington
     Northern common stock, there can be  no assurances as to the
     actual value that Santa Fe stockholders would receive pursuant to
     the Union Pacific proposal or the Santa Fe/Burlington Norther

     The solicitation is neither an offer to sell nor a solicitation
     of offers to buy any securities which may be issued in any merger
     or similar business combination involving Union Pacific and Santa
     Fe.  The issuance of such securities would have to be registered
     under the Securities act of 1933 and such securities would be
     offered only by means of a prospectus complying with the
     requirements of such act.

     *  JOHN F. DEPODESTA, attorney who has represented numerous rail
     carriers and public bodies in proceedings before the ICC; former
     General Counsel of Consolidated Rail Corporation.  ROBERT N.
     KHARASCH, Washington, D.C. attorney for more than 40 years who
     specialized in transportation law; coordinating counsel for
     railroad opponents to the unsuccessful Santa Fe/Southern Pacific
     merger.  MALCOLM M.B. STERRETT, attorney with extensive rail
     transportation experience and former ICC Commissioner.  WALTER B.
     MCCORMICK, JR.,  Partner, Bryan Cave, Washington, D.C.
     (attorneys), and former General Counsel of the U.S. Department of
     Transportation.  C. JOHN LANGLEY JR., PH.D., John H. "Red" Dove
     Distinguished Professor of Logistics and Transportation,
     University of Tennessee.